AG Daggett Law LLC

Experience. Reliability. Results.


AG Daggett Law

Address :
137 E Wilson Street, Suite 202, Madison, WI 53703

Phone: (608) 520-0659




10 stars, she is the one to help you out.

I am so satisfied with her service, she helped me and assisted me in winning my case. Very kind and amazing attorney. I was not familiar with the U.S laws, and she was the one to explain everything to me as easy as it can get. I would recommend anyone in the Madison area to work with her. She is the one to help you out.

Alexandra Daggett is the founding member of AG Daggett Law LLC. She is licensed to practice law in Wisconsin and California.

Before moving to Madison, Wisconsin, Alexandra Daggett worked as an immigration attorney in San Diego, California. Her experience includes working for a nationally recognized immigration law office in San Diego.  She handles both family and employment based immigration cases.  She has also filed appeals with the Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA) and the Administrative Appeals Office (AAO). In collaboration with a managing attorney she has also filed complaints in Federal District Court naming government agencies as defendants.

In addition to being a member of the State Bar of California and State Bar of Wisconsin, Alexandra Daggett is a member of the American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA). She is a two-time recipient of the State of California’s Wiley W. Manuel Award for Pro Bono Services.